Monica Almaguer and the Cup Cozy Pillow


The Cup Cozy Pillow was inspired when Monica Almaguer, was working on her laptop on the living room couch. While working, she always likes to have a drink close by. Even with a coffee table, it still required moving her laptop, taking a sip, then putting the laptop back on her lap. Only to have to repeat the process all over again a few minutes later.

Sometimes Monica’s cup would end up by her feet…a dangerous situation with four kids and two dogs. Other times, she would take her chances and just allow her cup to free float in the middle of the seat cushion, almost begging to be spilled. Trying to come up with a solution of wanting her drink right next to her, without fear of spilling, was the “Ah Ha” moment.

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Monica Almaguer Interview

Questions we ask Monica on the Invention Stories Podcast…Monica Almaguer and the Cup Cozy Pillow:

2:30 Did you grow up in Redding?

3:00 How did you like growing up in Redding?

3:30 Did you know any inventors growing up?

4:35 How did you wind up in Las Vegas

4:50 How did the idea for the Cup Cozy Pillow come to you?

6:30 How did you come up with the name?

7:07 What is the Cup Cozy Pillow?

7:20 What’s the name of the website?

7:30 How did you come up with the two sizes?

8:10 When did you apply for a patent?

8:30 How are the Cup Cozy Critters selling?

9:05 How did you come up with the Critters design?

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10:00 Have you considered licensing?

11:10 How about personalization?

11:40 Have you considered partnership?

12:20 Where are they manufactured?

12:30 How did you find the manufacturer?

14:14 How much lead time do you need for shipping?

14:40 Are there tariffs?

15:15 Did you already price that into your costs?

16:30 Did you consider Mexico for manufacturing?

17:00 How about other Asian countries?

17:50 Where are you selling them?

18:20 Did you add the Cup Cozy Pillow to Amazon yourself?

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19:21 What social media do you use?

20:30 Did you come up with the song in your YouTube video?

20:45 How was Funderdome?

21:20 What is a good use of your time?

22:30 Are you aware of the Amazon influencer?

22:50 How do you manage your time?

24:40 Did you receive your copy of Women Inventors and the 7 Percent?

27:00 What advice would you give to a novice inventor?

28:12 Anything you would like to add?

The Invention Stories Podcast

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and here for Women Inventors and the 7 Percent.

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If you are new to inventing, we invite you to visit Episode 1 with Forbes Riley.

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Finally, we invite you to sign our Guest Book.

To learn more about the Cup Cozy Pillow, please click here.

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