

The idea hits you like a thunderbolt. You have a idea for a new product that you know will sell. You try to push it out out of your mind, but it keeps forcing its way back in. It’s on your mind from the moment you awake. When you’re in the shower, you flesh the idea out and yes, you’re certain that it can be done. You debate the pros and cons of acting on it. It’s all you think about whether you’re trying to have a conversation, while you’re driving, when you’re eating dinner and watching tv. Late at night, as you lay there restlessly trying to fall sleep you ask yourself…what should I do?

Will you ignore it like the hundreds of other good ideas you’ve had until it’s looses it’s grip on you? And if you ignore it, will it haunt you while your waiting to take your last breath? Or will you decide this is your time.

My name is Robert Bear, host of the Invention Stories Podcast and if you decide to act, I will guarantee you two things:

That you will not have to wonder what if and…You will be happy.

The Happiness Discussion
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I was having a discussion with a colleague recently when I was asked “What is your opinion on happiness?”

It caught me off guard because I didn’t realize that happiness was subjective…it is. I’m paraphasing, but I said something like there are things which make us all happy and there are also things that make some, while not having the same or a similar effect on others. I will use dogs as an example. Some people are dog people who act goofy and maybe even start baby talking to them when they come across one, while others just are annoyed.

We don’t require a formal definition of happiness because we know it when we feel it. I’m using happiness to describe a range of positive emotions, including joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude, etc. It’s a temporary state, lasting different lengths of time depending on the situation. My collegague agreed and added that people often look for happiness on the outside while it’s found on the the inside. I disagreed.

Huge Impact

I agree with my collegue that it’s your brain that’s allowing you to feel happy and that is inside you however, I believe it’s the outside elements or environment that’s will have a huge impact on your happiness.

I cited the following two examples:

If you’re in a situation where somebody’s angry you might feel fear and then you’re not going to be happy.

If you’re lost, you might feel worried and then you’re not gonna feel happy, most likely anxious.

Happiness on the Outside
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I added it’s reasonable and acceptable for people to look for happiness in the outside world.

I shared two examples (of the outside world making you happy):

Let’s say you’re watching a comedy in a full movie theater. The crowd is laughing and your laughing because what you’re watching is funny. Aren’t you happy?

How about when you’re with a group of friends who are happy and they’re talking and you’re connecting with them. In that moment…aren’t you happy?

Money can buy happiness

Have you ever heard that saying money can’t buy you happiness? Not only do I disagree with this, but believe the person who came up with it was rationalizing not having enough money. I’m not suggesting it’s going to make you happy all the time. As mentioned previously, happiness is a temporary state and if you’re sad all the time, I encourage you to seek professional help.

I know a lot of people who are angry, sad, and miserable, etc. and they like to hang out with like-minded people or try to convert happy people. I try to avoid them.

As I share previously, one of the ways a person can feel happy is to listen to and hang out with other people who are happy. I believe in this strongly.

My Epiphany
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It’s at this point I’d had an epiphany.

I’ve already created a place in our world for people to listen to happy people. I’m not talking about people pretending to happy or wanting to be happy, but actually happy. It’s called the Invention Stories Podcast, where we share the journey the inventor goes on since having the idea.

Listen to an episode…any episode. Most invention journey’s start with an idea and then it’s a roller coaster of events that follow. When you listen…really listen… you know they are happy because you can feel it.

And why shouldn’t they be happy. Inventors have taken an idea they’ve had and sold it or turned it into a product. They did it.

And what effect will this have?

Let’s say someone, let call him Rick has a job that he doesn’t like, but Rick has bills so he works. I’ve worked at many jobs where I’ve had little or no passion for…it’s no fun.

Now let say Rick has an idea for an invention and he acts. Now Rick’s job is still is a drain but it feels more tolerable since he’s excited about his invention. Rick knows when he finishes working for the day at his job and the time, he’ll be working on making his idea or dream come true. Imagine the mindset change. That’s what it’s about.

Let’s say Rick has children and they’re use to Dad being a bit worn down by his thankless job. All the sudden they notice a positive change. They watch as their reinvigorated dad works to turn his idea into reality. Dad can do anything! Maybe his son or daughter plays a role, tests it out, wears it, holds it…whatever. It could wind up being the best memory a child has…spending time with their parent or parents as they invent.

Episode 68…Angie Myers and My “Buddy” Towel

Angie Myers has six children and one of them insisted on using three towels to dry off. This led to Angie’s a-ha moment. Her children helped her invent My “Buddy” Towel. You know what I see in this picture…Happiness.

Episode 84…Kevin Lane and Create a Castle

Kevin Lane is a website developer who was inspired by watching a dad and his young son struggle to finish their sand castle at the beach. Now he builds sand castles himself and sells his Create-A Castle worldwide. What do you think his children tell their friends what their dad does for a living? And can you imagine children walking by Kevin as he’s building his castle on the beach. How inspiring!

Happiness is up to you

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