Scott Folley and Tube A New



Scott Folley has invented Tube A New, a replacement top for caulk tubes. Tube A New allows you to easily access, and use the unused portion of caulk, sealer, or adhesive, that is trapped when they have hardened in the top of the tube, tip, and or nozzle.

Have you ever used caulking or liquid nails on a job and tried to use it a couple weeks later? Either what Scott Folley has invented speaks to you or it doesn’t. It speaks to me because I’ve wasted too many partial tubes in my life. This product belongs on a shelf in every hardware store, Lowes, Home Depot and everywhere home improvement products are sold.

With Tube A New, you simply cut off the top of the caulk tube with the old clogged tip or nozzle, place the Tube A New, with a new nozzle, over the original tube, and you are ready to dispense more caulk, sealer or adhesive. Tube A New is also useful when a caulk tube nozzle or tip gets damaged, or you accidentally cut too much off the end. With Tube A New, you will be saving money, making less trips to the hardware store, and putting less toxic waste in the landfills.

With its patent pending design, it works on all standard size caulk tubes. Tube A New works on plastic, cardboard, and even metal tubes. Currently it is available for pint size tubes, a quart size is under development.

We offer to share the journey the inventor goes on since having the idea and Scott Foley has taken us up on our offer. The following are his answers to questions we offer inventors to use as a guide:

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What kind a child where are you did you enjoy figuring out how things work?

I took everything apart to try to figure out how it works. My dad was an electrical engineer and one of those guys who could fix just about anything. He was in the aerospace industry, so he truly was a rocket scientist. He had so many odds and ends lying around in his workshop that it was always fun to go down there and dig through it to see what you might find. I was drawn a little more to the mechanical side of things. I got into repairing lawn mowers. There was always someone throwing away a lawn mower, so I would take it home, fix it, and then either sell it, or use it to cut neighbor’s lawns for money. This love of fixing things led me to my career in Automotive Repair.

I remember from a young age trying to find ways to make money. Selling magazine subscriptions, selling doughnuts, delivering papers, cutting lawns, raking leaves, and shoveling snow. I was offered a job managing the snack bar at the local pool at the age of 13.   

Cut off top of caulk tube for TubeANew
Did you have a family member or know someone growing up who was an inventor?

I never really thought of my dad as an inventor, but looking back on it, he was always inventing ways to fix things. And since he was designing power circuits for satellites, I think we can say he was an inventor.

Have you invented before?

I’ve had my own Automotive Repair business for 30 years, so it seems like we are constantly inventing. I write software, make special tools, create methods to test theories for unusual problems, etc. I invented/fabricated the special tools to make my current invention. This however is my first invention that has mass appeal.  

Tube A New…How did you come up with the name?

I spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with the name. I think I registered about 30 domain names during the process. I wanted a name that helps identify the product, while also being unique and catchy. Now I wanted something I could Trademark. The Name started out as Tube A New. It’s still pronounced the same, but I present it as TubeANew now because it presents better visually.   

What gave you the idea for Tube A New and why did you act?

Over the years I have had so many products in caulk tubes that have hardened in the tip or top of the tube, with a large portion of unused product trapped in the tube. Most of the time they get thrown away, or you find creative ways to get product out of the tube, but they never dispense the same. There are a number of products out there that are supposed to seal the end of the tube and prevent the drying. These are hit or miss depending on the type of product and the timing. Some products dry, and some products cure. Sealing off a product that dries will usually keep it from hardening. Products that cure are a bit different. Once exposed to air and moisture, a chemical reaction begins   

What kind of market research did you do?

I knew there was a need for this product, so I really didn’t do any market research.

How was the prototype process?

This is probably one of the more interesting thing about the creation of my product. Within a month of having the idea, I was able to start making them in my basement with less than $1500 invested. I purchased empty caulk tubes, cut the top portion off to make the product. It took some trial and error from there. I had to figure out how to reshape them. I made a die that would expand them, but they would go right back to their original size. So I had to heat them up to make the plastic soft enough to stretch, and not so much that the plastic would melt. There was quite a bit of testing to see exactly what the best size and shape was.

Once I got all that down, I had to find a way to do it on a scale that would allow me to start selling them. I made 25 dies, set up a heat gun with a infrared thermometer, and modified a battery powered caulk gun to press the die into the part before heating it up. So I had my little assembly line where I was making 5 every 2 minutes.  

How did you decide on what size color etc. to make Tube A New?

Caulk tubes are white, so I just stuck with that, and it had to be shaped the way it is for it to function. People have suggested making them different colors for fun. That may happen someday.

How was the patent process?

That is still I the works.

Did you consider entering into a license agreement?

Yes, but I didn’t like the idea of depending on someone else to bring the product to market. I also like the processes of doing it myself.

For our readers who want to find you: website: email:

Did you build your website?

Yes, I do quite a bit of computer programming and website creation.

What social media do you use and why?

I think I am on just about everyone there is in some way shape or form. I want to do all I can to bring awareness to my product. The only one that has really generated sales is Facebook though.?

How do you educate the public about Tube A New?

I use Social Media, SEO, eBay and Amazon Sponsored products. Amazon has generated the most sales so far. We are shooting a commercial for Comcast Spotlight that will start airing in February?

Tube A New The Caulk Tube Saver - New Caulk Tube Top - New Caulk Tube Nozzle - Caulking 300
What is your marketing strategy?

In addition to above, I plan to start marketing to individual hardware stores. Both in person, and via email.)

How do you manage work/life balance?

Probably not very well. I have an automotive repair business, and do computer programming on the side. And I do spend the morning with my daughter, and drive her to school before going to the shop, and generally leave the shop every day at 6. I do a fair amount of my work from home, so I do still spend a lot of time with my family.

How did you know when the time was right to quit your full-time job and go full time selling your product?

Still waiting for that time.

Where of you been the most successful spending your money?

Not sure what was the most successful, but going to the National Hardware Show was a great experience. Getting to put the product in front of thousands of people in the industry, and getting their feedback, and reactions was pretty powerful.

What should inventors avoid…what is not a good use of time or money?

So much of bringing a product to market is chance and experimentation. So you don’t always know what is the best use of money. I have spent thousands on Facebook ads. Some days it seems like a waste because it doesn’t generate nearly that much in sales. Then I have to remind myself that the Facebook marketing was to prove that people were interested in the product, and would buy it.

What has been your biggest obstacle for Tube A New and how did you overcome it?

The biggest obstacle was having the mold for the product made. It was supposed to take 2 months and be done the first week of August 2018. There was one excuse after another. I believe the mold maker got in over his head. The mold was delivered sometime in October, but was not completed. My manufacturer completed it in house, then it got worse. The product was not right, and they didn’t work. It took several more months, and a lot of back and forth before the mold made a usable product.



What advice would you give to those interested in inventing?

We all invent and or create every day, but I guess you are referring to a product. If you have a good idea, you should pursue it. You have to do it for fun in the beginning to see where it goes. It takes a lot of work, and money to bring product to market, so you want to do all you can to make sure people will buy it before you invest a lot of money into it. I spent very little money at first to test the idea, and after that I spent only what I had to in order to get to the next step. So I found a way to make my product in my basement so I could see if they sell before going any further. I took it to the Hardware Show to see what interest I got before committing to a mold.

It takes more than a great idea. You have to manufacture it, design packaging, test it, market it, sell it, and deal with all the setbacks along the way. While I believe it will, my product has not made me any money yet, but even if it doesn’t, it’s been a great experience.

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