Episode 119…Our Interview with inventRight Coach Paul Sorenson, Part 2


InventRight Coach, Paul Sorenson is an experienced business professional who has licensed his spatula idea into multiple industries. We shared this information and more in the first part of this interview and if you haven’t listen yet…please click here:



inventRight Paul Sorenson…Interview Exerpt

Episode 119 is the second part in a 2-part series and the following is an exerpt from this interview…the first question I asked:

Robert Bear: I’ve been told that you are (in addition to being an inventRight, coach), that you are their contract specialist. Are you the one that looks over the contracts too?

Paul Sorenson: Yes. Along with being one of our coaches here for the students, I’m actually a one-on-coach, and then I’m one of the coaches for our academy class, which is a group coaching. I’m also the negotiations coach…

Other Questions we asked Paul

Are there common sticking points that need to be ironed out before writing a contract?

Are students afraid of asking for something because they don’t want to lose the deal?

What have you enjoyed most about being an inventRight coach?

What advice would you give an inventor?

InventRight Mini-Series Finale

Episode 120 of the Invention Stories Podcast…Our Interview with Stephen Key is final episode in Season 2…the inventRight Mini-Series. Following our interview with Paul Sorenson, we share a preview excerpt.

Coming Soon

Episode 119…Our Interview with inventRight Coach Paul Sorenson, Part 2 is Coming Soon on Invention Stories on YouTube

inventRight: Master the art of licensing

The inventRight Philosophy

The inventRight philosophy rests on the following 10 step process.

1. Study the marketplace is

2. Invent for the marketplace

3. Evaluate your ideas

4. Prototype your ideas

5. Your one sentence benefit statement

6. Design your marketing material

7. Protect your ideas

8. Getting in to inventor-friendly companies

9. Negotiating a great contract

10. Moving on to your next great idea



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