Ronald Golembieski and The Pocket Shelf

Ronald Golembieski and The Pocket Shelf

Ronald Golembieski is the the inventor of The Pocket Shelf.  He is a United States Marine Corps Veteran and is currently a Lieutenant in the Syracuse Fire Department, riding on the Truck 2.  Having an Executive team of Mentors that support Ronald,  he has taken The Pocket Shelf from an idea in his head to having two issued Patents.

Pocket Shelf


Ronald Golembieski shares The Pocket Shelf Story

The Pocket Shelf’s story started in the St. Pete/ Clearwater Florida International Airport. The airport was crowded with passengers, including myself waiting for our flight that had been delayed for 5 hours. All the seats are taken and every outlet was as well.

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The Problem

Having to charge my phone, I went searching for an outlet. The only ones that I could find were in the middle of the wide open walls, with nothing around to set my phone on, so it went on the floor. That disgusting floor.  I was in an area that was distant from my gate, so there were a few seats available to sit, but I sat on the floor, with my phone so it didn’t get stepped on. Irritating yes, soon forgotten, also yes. Fast forward a few weeks, I am watching TV and a commercial comes on, set in an airport, showing phones on the floor and all over each other near an outlet.

Google Search

This brought me back to Clearwater and knowing that I would be in that situation again at some point, I jumped right on Google and started looking for a way to keep my phone off he floor in that situation. Sounds like a given, right? Quick Google search, purchase, done and done. Wrong. There was nothing, and I looked and looked and looked some more and still came up empty.


So with the thought fresh in my head, I went into my garage at 11:30 pm, I found an outlet cover a few mini hinges and some scrap plexi-glass and within a hour, I had my first prototype! At this point I really had no idea what I was in store for, I figured I would take it with me as I traveled and until then, I used it next to my recliner that had no place for a drink, except for the floor. I showed it to a couple friends and they loved it, telling me I should make and sell them. That started my Patent journey which by default led to refining the design and making it producible.

Making Connections

Through hundreds of hours of research and learning, I found many local groups that support innovation with endless resources and contacts. I have met so many great people and have learned so much it’s incredible. One contact has become a friend and also owns a product development company, through his company, I was able to turn my vision into an actual product and take delivery of my own inventory.

Pocket Shelf

HSN and Good Housekeeping

In mid 2017, I was asked by HSN to compete with about 100 other new innovative products for the combined HSN and Good Housekeeping Magazine’s search for the next recipient of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. I pitched The Pocket Shelf to the top Executives of both HSN and Good Housekeeping at the HSN studios in Clearwater Fl. How cool was that?! I have never done anything like in my life, what an experience! Although I was not selected as a finalist, HSN was so impressed with The Pocket Shelf, they offered me a segment on “American Dreams”, this is where HSN highlights entrepreneurs with cool new products during Prime Time on their show.

Click here to learn more.

Pocket Shelf


I found The Pocket Shelf’s story at   and believe it to be a great introduction as this past week Ronald Golembieski submitted his invention story on The following are answers to the questions we offer as a guide:

What kind a child where are you did you enjoy figuring out how things work?

(Ronald Golembieski)  I have always loved figuring out the “why” and “how” things work. Sometimes, that gets expensive…

Did you have a family member or know someone growing up who was an inventor?

No, but figuring out how to fix things that broke was always present in my life growing up?

Pocket Shelf

Have you invented before?

Nothing that I moved on. I have plenty of ideas!

How did you come up with The Pocket Shelf?

The name was the obvious practical use of the product, before its use footprint exploded?

Pocket Shelf

What gave you the idea for The Pocket Shelf and why did you act?

Traveling a lot, as I do, and constantly being delayed in airports with no seating near outlets to charge my phone led me to seek a small portable shelf that I could take with me to keep my phone off the floor. There is no such thing. So I made it! I acted because I felt the need was there and those that I DID NOT know, that had absolutely no reason to puff me up, were taken aback and LOVED it. This reaction told me I have something special.

What kind of market research did you do?

Mall shoppers, college students, Military members and airport travelers.

Pocket Shelf

How was the prototype process?

Expensive. I have learned a lot of ways to prototype, faster and cheaper, even for free…

How did you decide on what size color etc. to make it?

Size- had to be easily portable. Color- since doing all colors is possible, but not practical, I chose 3 modern and timeless colors to start. Plus it is easily paintable.

Pocket Shelf

How was the patent process?

Not too bad, I have a great attorney, but that is expensive. Bad advice is more expensive though. I learned a lot about the process and what you need and DON’T need…

Did you consider entering into a license agreement?

Yes. It is something that has to be carefully thought about and entered into. You really need to understand what your getting into.

Where can we find you:

website: email:



Pocket Shelf

Did you build your website?


What social media do you use and why?

All. Although I am not nearly as active as I need to be. The world lives on social media today, if you have a business, you need to as well.

How do you educate the public about your product?

Social media and YouTube.

Pocket Shelf

What is your marketing strategy (coupon codes)

Organic. I have offered coupons.

How do you manage work/life balance?

If you’re an entrepreneur, your work becomes your life. If it doesn’t, you will not flourish. You must be willing to accept this. Your NEVER “off the clock”. Ever.

How did you know when the time was right to quit your full-time job and go full time selling your product?

I haven’t and wont be quitting. I am a professional firefighter and have 3 years until I can retire.


Pocket Shelf

What should inventors avoid…what is not a good use of time or money?

Any “inventor help companies” i.e. the ones you see on tv. They have deserved bad reputations and if they take you on, it costs you to play. You should NEVER pay.

What has been your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it?

This is my first go at innovation. Everything has been an obstacle because I am a one man show. I learn as I go. Time use has been the biggest obstacle and still is. I am learning how to find the resources that I need quicker, to speed up the process of what ever it is that I am working on at the time.

What advice would you give to those interested in inventing?

GO FOR IT! Just understand what your getting into. As Mark Cuban said “it took me ten years to become an overnight success”. NOTHING happens quick, NOTHING happens for free and NOTHING happens if YOU don’t commit 100% of yourself, your time and your resources to it.


Pocket Shelf

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Are you an inventor or have an idea for an invention?  We invite to listen to the Invention Stories Podcast.  Episode 1 with Forbes Riley.

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Pocket Shelf

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